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Balanced B-100, 60 Capsules
Manufacturer: McGuff

Balanced B-100, 60 Capsules

Item Code: 001658
Mfg Part #: 239
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  Usually ships within 24 hours.

Balance B-100 delivers a higher potency formula for those wanting greater nutritional support. Comprehensive and well balanced, our Balanced B-100 formula is designed to support the diverse roles of vitamins, including promoting skin, hair, eye, nerve, adrenal, and cardiovascular health. The B vitamin family consists of a group of individual vitamins. The most important function of the B vitamin family is to work as coenzymes in the body, mediating the energy production cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. B vitamins are water soluble and are generally safe in large doses because the body can easily excrete excess intake. Since B vitamins work synergistically in many of their functions, many people find best results when they are all taken together in a B complex formula. Individual B vitamins, on the other hand, may be recommended for therapeutic reasons, since their action in large doses can produce specific effects. Water soluble B-100 is balanced combination, convenient one per day.  For food based B Complex please see #8594 Phytonutrient B Complex.  View Product Information Sheet (PDF)

Products specifications
Brand Name Balanced B-100™
Feature Supports Cardiovascular System and Mental Health
Form Capsules
Route of Administration Oral Supplement
Strength 1,000 mcg
Unit of Measure Bottle

Balance B-100 delivers a higher potency formula for those wanting greater nutritional support. Comprehensive and well balanced, our Balanced B-100 formula is designed to support the diverse roles of vitamins, including promoting skin, hair, eye, nerve, adrenal, and cardiovascular health. The B vitamin family consists of a group of individual vitamins. The most important function of the B vitamin family is to work as coenzymes in the body, mediating the energy production cycle, also known as the Krebs cycle. B vitamins are water soluble and are generally safe in large doses because the body can easily excrete excess intake. Since B vitamins work synergistically in many of their functions, many people find best results when they are all taken together in a B complex formula. Individual B vitamins, on the other hand, may be recommended for therapeutic reasons, since their action in large doses can produce specific effects. Water soluble B-100 is balanced combination, convenient one per day.  For food based B Complex please see #8594 Phytonutrient B Complex.  View Product Information Sheet (PDF)

Products specifications
Brand Name Balanced B-100™
Feature Supports Cardiovascular System and Mental Health
Form Capsules
Route of Administration Oral Supplement
Strength 1,000 mcg
Unit of Measure Bottle

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak worldwide, the global demand for some Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is exceeding current supply availability.

In addition, the manufacturing of the PPE and many other wound care/infection prevention products have been impacted by the global response to the Coronavirus. While you may see product availability reduction in the near-term, please be assured that we at McGuff Medical are continuing to work diligently to ensure an uninterrupted supply of products and alternative products to you.

Additionally, in order to ensure healthcare providers have access to the PPEs they need, the McGuff Company is temporarily limiting PPEs to healthcare providers.

As always, please feel free to reach out to our McGuff Customer Service team with any questions that you may have.

Click here for updates regarding Coronavirus Pandemic and Your Supplies and a message from our President