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October 2024

Ensuring Continuity: Our Commitment Through the IV Solution Shortage
Ensuring Continuity: Our Commitment Through the IV Solution Shortage

In response to the recent nationwide shortage of IV solutions, triggered by unexpected damages at key manufacturing sites due to Hurricane Helene, we wanted to assure you of our unwavering commitment to your needs during this challenging period.

Historical Highlights of ASCOR® Ascorbic Acid Injection (Vitamin C Injection)
Historical Highlights of ASCOR® Ascorbic Acid Injection (Vitamin C Injection)

Ascorbic Acid Injection (vitamin C) is one of the vital therapies that has been used for decades to address severe vitamin C deficiency and other medical conditions.

McGuff is committed to preserving patient access to Ascorbic Acid Injection. This article outlines the historical highlights of ASCOR, the original FDA-approved Ascorbic Acid Injection, showcasing our steadfast commitment. 

50% Dextrose Injection, USP is Now Back in Stock!
50% Dextrose Injection, USP is Now Back in Stock!

Great news - after three years of being on manufacturer back order, we now have 50% Dextrose Injection, USP available in stock.